Atlantis Bahamas Proposal | Matthew and Amanda

Matthew proposed to Amanda on the beach at The Cove Atlantis Resort. The cool thing about this marriage proposal is this couple meet at The Atlantis a few years before. How cool is that?
The proposal happened near Palm Point, which is on the northern side of the The Cove.
As the afternoon sun got low in the sky I took up a position on the beach near the hotel. I do my best to remain inconspicuous for Beach proposal because generally there’s no where for me to completely hide. I waited at our pre planned spot until I saw Matt and Amanda walking along the beach. I kept at eye on them until Matthew stopped, held her hands and looked deep into her eyes. At that moment. the tears of joy started streaming as Amanda realized what was about to happen. Matthew popped the question and got a big yes.
The full story behind this beautiful proposal was featured at How they proposal website. Check it out!


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